The Zine Archives
Zines With Sol has grown and evolved significantly over the years. In that process, many zines are no longer printed on a regular basis. Below you can find the Zines With Sol Archives, a collection of zines dating back to 2012. The zines below are available for large purchases of 10+ zines at a discounted rate. Email us with requests and questions.

High St. Este De Oakland: Tierra De Lucha Y Limones is a Zine that documents the history of the presence of the Latin@ community in East Oakland, Califas. This Zine was a production for a Chican@ Studies course at SF State. The assignment was to map ten blocks of the neighborhood you live in and document the presence of the Latin@ community within those few blocks. This Zine is an ode to the gente of East Oakland.B&W

An anti-copyright Zine chronicling Xicana's in Punk and Beyond. This Zine documents the struggles, triumphs and experiences of bad ass mujeres from 1848 to the present day. On every page you will find an assembly of words and photos that document the past, present and future of mujeres in the punk y rock scene. B&W

This Zine does not exist to prove that Morrissey is a racist. It is not meant to discourage people from continuing to build their love for Morrissey and the Smiths. I made this Zine in order to further understand the obvious relationship we Brown Folks, Raza, Xicanas y Xicanos, have to both the man and the music. I’m writing to place the music that’s saved so many lives into context with the reality of white supremacy, of cultural hegemony and unrelenting patriarchy. 20 Pages. B&W

This Zine is a collection of lesson plans that focus on teaching feminism to young girls. As an after school teacher, I taught a course called Girl Power! for 1st-5th grade girls in which we discussed gender roles, body image, body shaming and girl empowerment. In this collection you will find two things: the welcome Zine I made for the students and 8 lessons you can adapt to fit into your space of knowledge exchange! B&W

In this zine, you will find stories of the Xican@ movement in Colorado during the 1960's and 70's. Included are stories of student organizers of the University of Colorado Boulder, community organizers from Denver, San Luis Valley and Pueblo. The stories tell of their accomplishments as well as hardships faced due to government repression. Issues of social inequities, martyrdom, militarization of police and state, and international struggles are some of which are discussed. B&W

I sat in front of boxes upon boxes of letters, years of messages that I had long forgotten. I knew it was time to throw them away but felt that some of them needed to stick around for a while. These were the ones of lovestruck proportions and heartbreak dramas, words of resilience and defeat. I decided to honor them in zine form. Hard copies of letters were submitted. 48 pages. Color cover. B&W Insides.

What if we captured every book that bud had ever been broken on? Wouldn't it debunk the myth of the lazy stoner? That ganja makes you stupid? In this Zine you will find a series of photographs submitted by different people and edited by me. 20 pages. Full Color

Look Inside the Cages is a collection of stories that show that the practice of family separation is at the roots of American history. Some of the stories are excerpts of herstorical documents while others are creative interpretations of interviews, history books, film, visual art, facts, statistics and personal lived experience. B&W